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Groundbreaking ceremony for the new Hanover-Anderten branch office

On Tuesday, 10 October 2023, the symbolic ground-breaking ceremony marked the construction of the new Hannover-Anderten branch.

At Am Ahltener Weg 16, an operating area of 1,250 m² is to be built for production, storage and offices by spring 2024. If there is further demand, the hall can be extended. HANSA‑FLEX has had a branch at the Hanover-Anderten site since 1985, and the investment of around 1.7 million euros in the new building project is a further sign of its future-oriented expansion. 19 employees will work there.
The new building will be constructed in accordance with the current requirements for a particularly energy-saving construction method; for this purpose, the building envelope will be constructed with the highest quality thermal insulation. Ventilation technology with heat recovery will be used for the building services, and an air-to-water heat pump will be installed for the remaining heat demand. The required electricity is supplied as far as possible by a photovoltaic system mounted on the roof. 
Special requirements for sound insulation and sun protection are taken into account for the office rooms, and mechanical air conditioning can be dispensed with. Proof of sustainability is provided for all building materials, aggregates and processing steps used.

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Sicher arbeiten mit Druckluft-Kupplungen

Wie Sie durch die richtige Auswahl von Druckluft-Kupplungen hohen Durchfluss bei minimalem Druckverlust erzielen. Lernen Sie die Vorteile der unterschiedlichen Kupplungstypen im Vergleich kennen.

Scan-to-Order: Für effiziente Logistikprozesse im Bestellwesen

Nachbestellungen ohne Papierformulare, ohne händisches Ausfüllen von Bestellbögen und abgestimmt auf den aktuellen Bedarf? Das ermöglichen Bestellprozesse nach dem Scan-to-Order-Prinzip.

Was macht eigentlich Robert Paulokat?

Robert Paulokat koordiniert die Servicetechniker der Regionen Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein und Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Der frühere Soldat erzählt im Interview, was seine aktuelle Rolle bei HANSA-FLEX mit seiner Zeit bei der Bundeswehr gemeinsam hat.