Hands-on hydraulics: Coreum Praxistage
Die COREUM-Praxistage (18. – 20. März 2022) haben einen festen Platz im Kalender der Bauwirtschaft. An drei Tagen dreht sich in Stockstadt/Rhein alles um Baumaschinen.
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MeLa 2024: The agricultural sector shows its heart
Anyone who came to our stand this year was able to donate to the ‘Oskar’ children's hospice service from Rostock in a special campaign. We are delighted that so many committed farmers took part!

Report on the "maintenance"
On 21 and 22 February 2024, HANSA-FLEX participated as an exhibitor at the "maintenance" leading trade fair for industrial maintenance in Dortmund.

Successful presence at NordBau
Successful presence at NordBau