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The inspection of hydraulic hose lines

Can this be performed by just anyone?

Hydraulic hose lines are used in almost all machines with hydraulically controlled component groups. Due to pressure pulses, wear and tear, ageing, damage, faulty installation and many other factors, such hydraulic hose lines can represent serious hazards. Germany’s Occupational Health and Safety Act clearly states that working equipment in general consists not only of tools, machines, appliances and systems, but also of any components and assemblies that are necessary to fulfil a specific function. Accordingly, this also includes hydraulic hose lines. In addition, § 6 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act stipulates that inspection deadlines, replacement intervals, protective measures and documented test results (test report) must be observed for such working equipment.
Germany’s Industrial Safety Act defines the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act in more detail, and aims to protect the health and safety of people and the environment wherever working equipment is used. § 1 of the Industrial Safety Act stipulates that this must be achieved through the appropriate design of operating and production processes, and by ensuring that workers are appropriately trained and qualified. It is important here to mention § 3 of the Industrial Safety Act, which covers risk assessment. As part of the risk assessment to be prepared, the employer must determine the type, scope and intervals of the inspections individually.
§ 4 of the act clearly stipulates that working equipment may only be used once a risk assessment has been carried out, appropriate protective measures have been put in place and it has been ensured that the equipment is safe. The required safe use of working equipment therefore also includes the testing and documentation of the equipment in accordance with § 14 of the Industrial Safety Act. This testing, in turn, may only be carried out by "persons qualified to carry out inspections" in accordance with § 2 Para. 6 of the act.

What is meant by the term “persons qualified"?

These are individuals who, due to their technical training, professional experience and recent professional activity, have the necessary expertise to inspect the working equipment (§ 2 Para. 6 of the act). Persons qualified to carry out inspections are not subject to any professional instructions in their inspection operations and must not be disadvantaged because of these activities. These requirements of the Industrial Safety Act are described in more detail in the technical rules for operational safety (TRBS1203).
In terms of occupational training, it states that the person qualified to test working equipment involving hydraulic components must have completed the appropriate technical training preferably a course in which basic knowledge of working on hydraulic equipment is taught. Knowledge of working on hydraulic equipment must be supplemented or updated as necessary, e.g. by attending training courses on how to operate hydraulic hose lines and safety systems correctly.
As far as professional experience is concerned, persons qualified to carry out inspections must have at least one year's practical experience with comparable working equipment corresponding to the inspection requirements, e.g. elevating work platforms, hydraulic presses or mechanical vehicle superstructures. The following is referred to as recent professional activity: for example, maintaining inspection practice involves carrying out or participating in several inspections per year. In addition, persons qualified to carry out inspections must take part in specific training measures in accordance with the relevant inspection operation, for example by attending training courses on the correct handling of hydraulic hose lines or hydraulic safety components.
In addition to this, the “Hydraulic hose lines and hydraulic fluids - rules for safe use” (DGUV Rule 113-020) specifications issued by Germany’s Social Accident Insurers are recommended for companies that operate hydraulic hose lines or assemble them themselves. Among other things the rules also explain the requirements relating to persons qualified to carry out inspections.
The employer's task is to check whether the employee in question fulfils these requirements. If this is the case, the employee can then be appointed as a person qualified to carry out inspections and authorised to inspect equipment. As a general rule, persons qualified to carry out inspections are not subject to any professional instructions in their inspection operations and must not be disadvantaged because of these activities. It should never be forgotten that the hydraulic hose line as a piece of working equipment can represent considerable hazards if it is not installed and handled correctly.
  • Daniel Werner

    Instructor in line technology and pneumatics (IHA)

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